Elanco reviews spending plan for $10 million virus relief funding | Community News


When: Eastern Lancaster County School Board meeting, February 14.

What happened: Keith Ramsey, Chief Financial Officer and Operations Officer, provided a spending plan for the use of approximately $10.17 million in COVID-19 relief funds from federal, state and county sources.

Breakdown: Federal funds amounted to $686,692 in first part of emergency aid for elementary and secondary schools; $2,806,748 the second part of ESSER; $5,677,239 in third round ESSER funding, as well as $378,213 ESSER in earmarked funding. A grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency provided $325,250 in funding for COVID-19 school health and safety. Lancaster County’s COVID-19 relief funds totaled $260,499. The Pennsylvania Department of Education has awarded a grant of $34,960 for the Mitigation of the Impact of COVID-19 on Special Education.

Student Success Goals: Targeted support and improvement goals were presented by Principal Heather Schranz of Blue Ball Elementary and Principal Matt Sanger of Garden Spot High School. Blue Ball Elementary focuses on attendance, family engagement, school-wide positive behavior supports, and career standards. Garden Spot High School’s focus is on the academic progress of learners in grades 9 and 10; success and growth, social and emotional learning for grades 9-12.

And after: The school board plans to act on the achievement objectives at its next meeting at 7 p.m. February 28.

Curriculum development: Greg Frederick, Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, presented a draft of a new master plan and timeline for the K-12 program. The project began last spring and should be finalized by fall 2025.

New teachers: Middle school learning support teacher Samantha Dutt and middle school math teacher Eric Dorward were introduced to the board.


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