Zovio (NASDAQ:ZVO) lowered to underperform at Barrington Research


Barrington Research cut shares of Zovio (NASDAQ:ZVO – Get a Rating) from an outperform rating to an underperform rating in a report released Monday morning, reports The Fly.

Zovio share performance

NASDAQ ZVO shares opened at $0.67 on Monday. The stock has a market capitalization of $22.84 million, a P/E ratio of -0.55 and a beta of 0.86. The company has a 50-day moving average price of $0.94 and a 200-day moving average price of $0.94. Zovio has a 52 week low of $0.66 and a 52 week high of $2.78.

Zovio (NASDAQ:ZVO – Get Rating) last released quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, May 10. The company reported ($0.14) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. The company had revenue of $61.63 million for the quarter. Zovio had a negative net margin of 16.26% and a negative return on equity of 57.96%. Analysts predict Zovio will post -0.27 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

Institutional entries and exits

A number of institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of ZVO. Prescott Group Capital Management LLC increased its stake in Zovio by 15.0% in the first quarter. Prescott Group Capital Management LLC now owns 172,776 shares of the company valued at $142,000 after purchasing an additional 22,576 shares last quarter. Potomac Capital Management Inc. bought a new position in Zovio in the fourth quarter worth approximately $208,000. First Eagle Investment Management LLC increased its stake in Zovio by 22.3% in the first quarter. First Eagle Investment Management LLC now owns 301,698 shares of the company valued at $247,000 after purchasing an additional 55,036 shares last quarter. HighTower Advisors LLC raised its position in Zovio shares by 152.3% in the fourth quarter. HighTower Advisors LLC now owns 277,015 shares of the company worth $352,000 after purchasing an additional 167,200 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. bought a new equity stake in Zovio in the first quarter worth $966,000. Institutional investors hold 53.02% of the company’s shares.

About Zovia

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Zovio Inc operates as an educational technology services company in the United States. It partners with higher education institutions and employers to offer a variety of customized solutions to help learners and leaders achieve their aspirations. The Company offers technology and academic services primarily related to educational infrastructure, including online course delivery and management, assessment, customer relationship management, and other internal administrative systems; support services for the development of curricula and new programs, and for the training and development of faculty; and state-compliant technical support and support services.

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