No closures for secondary and tertiary schools


Secondary and tertiary schools are no longer at risk of being completely closed due to COVID-19, as on-site classes are allowed to continue even if schools have multiple cases of COVID-19, the Ministry of Education has said. .

Previously, schools were required to suspend in-person instruction if cases or contacts of COVID-19 were confirmed in a third or at least 10 of their classrooms.

Starting yesterday, middle and high school students who are near a COVID-19 case must be sent home for three days and given a rapid test kit, the ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

Photo: ANC

Teachers and students at higher education institutions are free to discuss whether to switch to online classes until the end of the semester if there are cases of COVID-19 in their class, it said. -he declares.

Regulations are different for elementary and preschool schools because children in Taiwan under 12 have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19, Education Minister Pan Wen-chung (潘文忠) said. , adding that their classes would be suspended for three days. if someone tests positive for COVID-19.

On the fourth day, students would be required to take a rapid test, provided by the school, and could return to class if they test negative, he said.

Private schools and tutoring centers would be required to follow the rules relating to the level of education of their students, he added.

From April 20 last year to Friday, 32,193 students were confirmed to have COVID-19, including 31,440 classified as domestic cases and 753 as imported, according to ministry data.

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