Education Should Know No Borders – Vancouver Island Free Daily



LETTER: Education Should Know No Borders

Summer vacation is here. Pandemic or no pandemic, I know kids across Canada are ready for the hot weather and the change in routine, even as their parents scramble to figure out what to do to keep working.

Now consider the children who do not have the advantage of school, who do not know the rhythm of the school year, who have nothing to hope for. According to the Global Partnership for Education, the World Bank Group and other organizations dedicated to researching the effects of education on women, keeping girls in school pays high dividends.

If every girl were to go to school for 12 years, girls’ higher incomes would increase low-income economies to the tune of $ 30 trillion globally, and maternal deaths would decrease by two-thirds. If girls achieve universal secondary education, population growth could be significantly reduced.

We need to keep an eye on the prize, and Canada must continue to support the Global Partnership for Education by contributing $ 500 million over five years. It would be fantastic for this beleaguered planet if children around the world had access to quality education during and after the pandemic, and they too could look forward to the rhythm of the school year.

Connie Lebeau




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